Invisible Voices

a voice for the voiceless

tangible impact

Something really neat happened today. Terry, of Poplar Spring, emailed me to tell me that someone in Iowa had rescued some chickens, went looking online for how to make them some sweaters, found my post about sweater-wearing chickens, and was able to contact Terry to get more information on how to make some sweaters herself. And she’s making some for another chicken sanctuary in Minnesota.

A minor event in many ways, yet I know that these chickens who now have sweaters will be more comfortable as we head into the cold season. Terry’s creative solution for Poplar’s chickens gets to spread among other rescuers, to benefit more chickens.

The interesting coincidence, which perhaps enhanced my enjoyment of hearing about the midwestern chickens in their winter clothes, is that Mary posted today some thoughts on “Is giving money activism?” that sparked a more general discussion (my fault) on what exactly activism is.

I said a couple things in the comments that were an unconscious echo of things I’d said last February. Looks like some things are hard for me to change!

Yet knowing that in a small and indirect way, that I helped those chickens in the midwest have sweaters for the winter, it made my day. It feels good, plain and simple, to see that we’ve made a tangible positive impact. It is those little moments that remind me why I do the things I do.

7 responses to “tangible impact

  1. haldana November 18, 2008 at 7:39 am

    Deb, can folks knit the bird sweaters or do we have to sew them? If they can be knitted, can you forward my info to Terry? I’ve got gobs of yarn waiting to be turned into something useful and would love to make tiny sweaters. I get cold in the winters too – I can empathize! Thanks 🙂

  2. nothoney November 18, 2008 at 8:25 am

    I live for the day I arrive and all the chickens and turkeys are wearing snappy sweaters.


  3. rich November 18, 2008 at 8:08 pm

    It is great to see how your photo, then blog post, is having a positive impact on a bunch of chickens this winter and in future winters. Soon we will have chickens all over the world in sanctuaries wearing sweater courtesy of Terry and Deb.

  4. Deb November 18, 2008 at 9:36 pm

    @ haldana, that’s a really interesting question! I don’t know, but I will definitely ask Terry. For the current “design” of the sweaters, they are basically the sleeve of a sweater made from really stretchy material. Holes are cut in the sides for the wings, and the reason it needs to be stretchy material is so the wings can be pulled through without damaging them. I will let you know what Terry says!

    @ Sheryl, ha! I don’t think they’ll ever *all* be wearing sweaters, but you’ll probably get to see at least one!

    @ rich, pretty cool to think about! I love seeing things like this spread!

  5. Shana February 2, 2009 at 8:03 am

    Can you direct me to where I might order one of Terry’s chicken sweaters? I have a hen who is going through a horrible mid-winter molt. Please email me Thank you.

  6. Deb February 4, 2009 at 11:08 pm

    Shana, Terry doesn’t sell the sweaters, but I’ll forward your note to her, and she can tell you how she does it. It’s very simple, doesn’t even require any sewing. Just a stretchy fleece and a pair of sissors!

  7. Pingback: Chicken Sweater: Instructions « Invisible Voices

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