Invisible Voices

a voice for the voiceless

Kofa Mountain Lions

kofa lion, alive

Picture provided to me by Ron Kearns, former Kofa NWR employee, who received this picture courtesy of Daniel Patterson, who got the photo from USFWS Southwest Arizona NWR Complex Manager Mitch Ellis. This mountain lion, referred to as “KM03” was killed in April 2008, for the “offense” of killing two bighorn sheep. The kill was aided by the radio collar that he wore, as part of a research project to study the mountain lions on Kofa.

I get a fair amount of hits searching Kofa Mountain Lions, or variations on that, and I’ve written enough posts that I figured I might as well collect them in a separate page.

So here’s a link to the search results listing all my kofa mountain lion posts. This list should always be current, even when I post more later on the topic, as I’m sure I will.

5 responses to “Kofa Mountain Lions

  1. Ron Kearns September 17, 2008 at 7:16 pm

    Test post.

  2. Pingback: Kofa NWR Mountain Lions: 1 year moratorium extended « Invisible Voices

  3. Pingback: Kofa Lions: Draft Environmental Assessment comment period through 10/2/09 « Invisible Voices

  4. Emily August 26, 2009 at 9:00 pm

    Addressing only predation by mountain lions is oversimplifying the problem. The agencies are effectively making the lion the scapegoat in an anthropologically-created arena. Taking aim at them is a great way to divert our attention away from our own faults.

    We created the fragmentation that isolated the populations in the first place. We created major multi-lane interstates and towns right in the middle of the natural corridors connecting the mountainous habitats that the sheep rely on. Let’s accept responsibility for what we’ve done and take steps to repair it, instead of pointing the finger, or in this case the gun, at others.

  5. Deb August 28, 2009 at 6:39 pm

    Emily, exactly. Fragmentation, disease, drought, environmental degradation, low birth rates, disruption of sensitive areas by humans, etc…there’s a really long list of what can impact any population, and the lions are the scapegoat in this story, no more and no less.

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