Invisible Voices

a voice for the voiceless

Tag Archives: poplar spring

free vegan food in the DC area this weekend

Free vegan food! No joke.

On Sunday, there is free vegan food (from Java Green, Antonio’s Cafe, Vegetable Garden, and cake from Sticky Fingers) at the Poplar Spring Animal Sanctuary Open House.

Sunday, October 12, 2008
1 to 5 p.m.

Our biggest event of the year – and everyone’s invited! Come enjoy a live band, delicious catered food and drink, a fabulous silent auction, clowns and face painting, speakers, and the opportunity to stroll around and visit the rescued animals.

Karen Dawn, animal activist and author of Thanking the Monkey, Rethinking the Way We Treat Animals, will be the keynote speaker. Proceeds from book sales will benefit the rescued animals.

No admission fee, but donations (of any amount) are very much appreciated. RSVP requested.

On Monday, there is free vegan food plus a talk on nutrition by Dr. Greger.

On Mon., Oct. 13, COK is hosting a free vegan dinner and nutrition lecture featuring Michael Greger, M.D. Learn practical advice on how best to feed ourselves and our families to prevent, treat, and even reverse chronic disease. Dr. Greger is a physician, author, and internationally recognized professional speaker on a number of important public health issues. He serves as the Director of Public Health and Animal Agriculture at The Humane Society of the United States.

WHERE: Greenbelt Library at 11 Crescent Rd. in Greenbelt Md.

WHEN: 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

On Tuesday, it is a COK benefit day at Stickyfingers. This is not free, but since you can get free Stickyfingers at the sanctuary on Sunday, let’s not quibble. Stickyfingers is worth paying money for!

Now you can get the best vegan buns in D.C. and help COK help animals at the same time! Starting on Oct. 14, the all-vegan and award-winning Sticky Fingers Bakery is hosting a benefit day on the second Tuesday of each month—a portion of the day’s sales will be automatically donated to COK. Join us for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or dessert!

Unfortunately I’ll be in Chicago for most of these events. I’ll be at the sanctuary for the Open House, of course. I signed up to help in the chicken area, so if you wander down there, say hello! I’ll probably be the grumpy one.

Thanksgiving at Poplar Spring 11/17/07

pumpkins at PS

Last year there were about 300 people, and the weather looks set to bring in at least that many this year.

Saturday, November 17, 2007
12 noon to 4:00 p.m.

Come celebrate Thanksgiving WITH the turkeys. Join our seven friendly turkeys and all their friends in celebrating a cruelty-free Thanksgiving potluck. Please bring a vegan (no meat, dairy, or eggs) dinner or dessert item to serve eight. $10.00 suggested donation to benefit the animals. No charge for children under 16.

Assuming the US Postal service comes through for us, there will be a limited supply of some calendars I had printed up for sale, featuring a few of the sanctuary residents. We can order more if people are interested too. Calendars are so not cheap to have printed, but the pictures are pretty darn cute.

And you’d get to see these cuties too! (These are three of the five who were saved from a grocery store parkinglot a few weeks ago.) They’re so grown up now, with hardly any yellow fuzz left. Still not much bigger than the palm of my hand though!

3 of 5 chicks at ps

Fall at the sanctuary

lily checking out the barn

I go to the sanctuary partially because they can use the help, but mostly because I love it. It is peaceful and it soothes something in me. Today was a lot of fun – the baby goat was playing at play with the big goats, and they were so patient with him. The pigs were all out in the yard, grunting and snuffling and enjoying the fall weather. The cows were all anxious to get in the horse barn to munch on the hay, and there were the most adorable baby chicks, saved from a crazy mysterious situation.

And in the background there were shots, often so many in a row that it sounded like fireworks.

Which makes sense, because fireworks were meant to sound like guns and cannons.

It was the hunters in the woods, searching out living creatures to kill. I hope they missed. I hope everyone lived. We won’t mention the t-shirts that come to mind.

charlotte looking in barn